Saturday, March 12, 2011

WP7 Changelog

v1.3 [July 31, 2011] Improvements
Fixed tombstoning error
Added calendar
Added images for each day in date list
List images and text are now bigger and easier to see
Added custom alerts to choose from
Minor bug fixes

v1.2 [June 4, 2011] Improvements
Auto complete box for expiry date name
Added couple more options in the settings
Fading pop-up reminder added
Settings page look refactoring
Expiry date edit functionality added
Minor bug fixes

v1.1 [April 22, 2011] Improvements
Main page refactoring
Added reminder functionality, PRO version gets settable number of days, FREE version only allows for 7 days reminder

v1.0 [April 20, 2011] First release of Pro and Free version

v0.1.x Beta [January 2011]

Expiry Date Manager

Never lose track of your expiry dates, manage them all in one place neatly and pain-free. Additional functionalities in the Pro version include backup and restore data on the cloud and selectable number of days to reminder you of the upcoming expiry date.

Supported languages include English, French and Spanish.

More features to come soon!

Expiry Date Manager [WP7]